@TOrdinary World@TDuran Duran@TKaraoke by RomaSHka@LENGL Came in from a rainy Thursday on the a ve nu e. Thought I heard you talk ing soft ly. I turned on the lights, the TV and the ra di o Still I can't esc ape the ghost of y o u... What has happened to it all? Crazy, some 'd sa y, Where is the life that I re co gnize?
But I won't cry for ye ster day, There's an or dina ry wo rld, Some how I have to find. And as I try to make my way, To the or dina ry wo rld... I will learn to su rvive.
Passion or coin ci de nce Once promp ted you to say "Pride will tear us both a pa rt" Now pride 's gone out the window Cross the rooftops, run away, Left me in the vacuum of my h e a rt. What is happen ing to me? Crazy, some 'd sa y, Where is my friend when I need you most?
But I won't cry for ye ster day, There's an or dina ry wo rld, Some how I have to find. And as I try to make my way, To the or dina ry wo rld... I will learn to su rvive.
Papers in the road side Tell of suffer ing and gre ed Here to day, for got to mo rrow. Here be sides the news Of holy w ar and holy need Ours is just a little sorro wed t a l k
And I don't cry for ye ster day, There's an or dina ry wo rld, Some how I have to find. And as I try to make my way, To the or dina ry wo rld... I will learn to su rvive. |