MIDI Music Collection



MIDI Music Collection - Escapade (Karaoke).mid

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Escapade (Karaoke).mid
File size52 Kb
Track 1
NameSoft Karaoke
@I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin
@I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu
Track 2
Janet Jackson
Track 3
Track 4
NameMusic Box
Track 5
Track 6
NameSynth Bass
Track 7
Track 8
Track 9
Track 10
Track 11
NameReverse Cymbal
Track 12
NameReverse Cymbal
Track 13
NameMusic Box
Track 14
As I was walkin' by
saw you standin' there
with a smile.

Lookin' shy you cought my eye.
Thought you'd want to hang
for a while.

Well I'd like to be with you.
And you know it's Friday too.

I hope you can find the time
this weekend to relax and unwind.

My mind is tired
I've worked so hard all week.

Cashed my check. I'm ready to go.
I promise you I'll show you such a good time.

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.
Let's go!

Es-ca-pade. We'll have a good time.
Es-ca-pade. Leave your worries behind.

Es-ca-pade. Well, you could be mine.
Es-ca-pade, an escapade.

So don't hold back, just have a good time.
We'll make the rules up as we go along.
And break them all if we're not having fun.

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.
Let's go!

Es-ca-pade. We'll have a good time.
Es-ca-pade. Leave your worries behind.

Es-ca-pade. Well, you could be mine.
Es-ca-pade, an escapade.

My mind's tired I've worked so hard all,
worked so hard all week.

I just got paid, we've got it made, ready to go.
I promise you, I'll show you such a good time.

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.
Let's go!

Come on baby, let's get away.
Let's save our troubles for another day.

Come go with me, we've got it made.
Let me take you on an escapade.
Baby.Reset VolumeReset PanReset ExpressionReset Pitch WheelReset Modulation WheelReset Aftertouch
