MIDI Music Collection



MIDI Music Collection - Mr Crowley.mid

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Mr Crowley.mid
File size37 Kb
Track 0
Text"Mr.Crowley" by Ozzy Osbourne MIDI'ized by Doug Fetter, October 1991

This sequence has been set up so as to play entirely on a Roland MT32/LAPC

synth. When the sequence file is loaded into Cakewalk, a number of SYSEX

parameters are automatically sent to your synth for use by this sequence.

You will notice that none of the timbres internal to the MT32/LAPC PROM

are used; all of the timbres used by this sequence are loaded during this

SYSEX transfer. Even the standard rhythm section on channel 10 has been

modified to play new drums and cymbals loaded during this SYSEX transfer.

If you look at the System Exclusive Table (via an Alt-V & X) you will

notice two "MT-32 System Setup"s. The first contains voice allocation

parameters for the Intro portion which are different from the parameters

used during the rest of the song. The MT-32 System Setup #2 data is sent

out as the first thing on the Vocal Lead track. Without these voice

allocation parameters, the sequence will not sound right; the sounding

of one timbre will be chopped off when new notes sound for a different

timbre. These "MT-32 System Setup"s guarantee that a sufficient number

of the MT-32's 32 sound generators will be reserved for each of the

timbres as necessary.

The timbres themselves were specially selected by me for this sequence

from a huge set of 2225 timbres for the MT-32/LAPC which I have collected

and sorted into 52 banks. I have uploaded a 4-bank sampling of these

timbres with examples of the instruments in each of the bank categories.

If you would like to audition the wide selection of sounds available for

the MT-32/LAPC, look in the library of one of the following MIDI related

bulletin boards:

On CompuServe MIDIFORUM, look for MT32D2.ZIP

On Washington MIDI User' Group (WMUG) (703) 532-7860 and

Sound Management (CMUG) (708) 949-6434, look for MT32DLF2.ZIP

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To obtain the complete collection of 2225 Timbres for the MT-32 and

LAPC conveniently sorted into 52 appropriately named banks, send a

check or money order for $25.00 together with your name, address, &

diskette size/capacity to:

Doug Fetter

336 Laurel Drive

Trappe, PA 19426-2216

That works out to be close to only 1 cent per timbre; you'll never see

any cheaper collection! Included with this collection of timbre banks is

a text file containing a complete index of all 52 banks. Also included

are some additional MT-32 SYSEX files as well as four other text files

which describe in detail how to make use of these timbre banks, how to

select them once loaded into the MT-32 RAM, and how to go about the pro-

cess of listening to & collecting timbres from a number of banks in order

to get the sounds you want for the sequence/song you are working on.

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