MIDI Music Collection



MIDI Music Collection - Know Your Enemy.mid

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Know Your Enemy.mid
File size37 Kb
CopyrightCopyright © 1997 by Troy Martin
Track 0
NameKnow Your Enemy / written by Rage Against the Machine
TextTroy Martin
Here is my first midi File done by Rage Against the Machine. By now, many know me as the maker of the "Tool" files and to a lesser degree my Down and Metallica midis. Know Your Enemy was of Rage's first self-titled album, and, in my opinion, the best s

Two things are absent from this midi file:

#1: The Solo

Tom Morello is a genius (he is literally a musical genius), and therefore does some very original stuff with his guitar that simply cannot be expressed by General Midi, XG, or any other super-sophisticated format. It's just not possible. So I l

#2: Maynard's Guest Appearance

This was originally something I was looking forward to putting in the file, but after it was finished, it just didn't fit, and I couldn't make it, so I removed it. That's OK, now the emphasis is put on the music, and in this file I have tried a n

Other than these two things I am quite pleased with the outcome.

Send all comments / suggestions to:


Track 1
NameGuitar 1
Track 2
NameGuitar 2
Track 3
NameGuitar 3
Track 4
NameGuitar / Siren Effect
Track 5
NameGuitar / Siren Effect
Track 6
NamePalmed Guitar
Track 7
NameBass 1
Track 8
NameSkins 1
Track 9
Track 10
NameKnow Your Enemy
Track 11
NameRage Against the Machine
Track 12
Track 13
NameSequenced by Troy Martin
Track 14
Track 15
