I breathe # clouds bene ath my win dow I see rock ets in the sky I °Нfeel 6sate lli tes in lim DНbo I breathe слo ыдxy gen up high
I load lead 6in side 6my en |
gine lead and al co ш
hol on the ra di
o de pen
Нding I sign 6the pro to col Hail the au di xence the me dia РН peo ple eve ry (where in the hours a Н head 6I'll see your
Green Bi osphe re X clean 6 Bi osphe re Ь castles xin the air X clim bing the stair
way to hea Нven when I breathe & clouds ben eath my win dow I see rock ets ' in the sky I XНfeel sate lli tes in lim Нbo I breathe fН o Н xy gen up high
I've been trained gН to navi ga te DНmy fu tu Drist bal loon af ter years a week will see me lan ding on the mo on 0 Raise a ban xНner on the pla nets life grows e very where in the man ner of the mis sion
Green Bi osphe re
clean Bi osphe re < castles xin the air ё clim bing the stair И way to hea ЂНven when I breathe clouds beneath my window I see rockets in the sky I feel satellites in limbo I breathe oxygen up high
Green Biosphere clean Biosphere castles in the air climbing the stair
way to heaven when
I breathe clouds beneath my window I see rockets in the sky I feel satellites in limbo I breathe oxygen up high
I breathe clouds beneath my window I see rockets in the sky I feel satellites in limbo I breathe oxygen up high
I breathe clouds beneath my window I see rockets in the sky I feel satellites in limbo I breathe oxygen up high